We are in a precarious field of endeavor. The music business has always been somewhat a challenge to navigate. Even today’s technical advances seem to create more learning curves for the bedtime composer and sing-songwriter. I have friends who have been in this business for many years and feel that music production is much easier yet complicated. The licensing process can be littered with all kinds of scam artist and those whom ambitions are never aligned with the artists they promote or produce. Why is that you ask? The long-short answer is money.
There are still people in this industry that can only see what profits can be made and not what value an artist brings to so many of our lives. I recently wrote a short piece on the plight of the artist in modern society and I felt that the gist of my essay was not fully understood. Perhaps it was my tone and maybe not enough research that did not engage my readers. In any case a closer perspective and examination of this subject is further needed to simplified my point. That is, why are we doing this against all odds? This is what you as artist and producers must ask yourself. The unexamined mind is left with no false calculations or misinterpreted thoughts to ponder. We simply make a choice and abide. What is left is our fulfillment and mission. We are the worker bees gathering and harnessing our craft. We must learn our roles and play the part as an actor in a theatrical play or movie. Do we self-promote as producers and to some degree find a way to become plausible? The question is a moot one I feel and leaves us with only reasons for being.
We will do many things to further our knowledge base as a producer. The roads are spidery crosses and highways leading to paths unknown. The time spent in countless studios and candle burning sessions are highlights to what is an ever more reasons to self-express. To express one’s emotions is often limited and can be costly for the producer. We are there to express the artist pain points; his or her joys and sorrows; his and her actualizations and insights. Our place as facilitator can greatly get in the way of some and maybe all of its chain links. Doing many task and wearing many hats is not just a job description for producers, it is the norm in a universe of an alternative universe in which the artist resides.
Freelancers are those who provide a service and in return are credited with copyright and notoriety as compensation in various forms. Most of this business is divided into multi-categories which should be examined with careful patience to ensure that the producer is not merely there for sound crafting a template for success but initiate the valid cause for artistic expression.
I have provide you with a link that may help you get your music out to a larger audience at the top of this newsletter. I feel that there are many options and you should take advantage of what is available. This is a music production company that handles artist with new material to share. I must tell you that the I will receive a small referral fee if you join this company through my link. The small fee will enable me to keep the coffe pot going and nothing more or nothing less.
My job is to make your life a bit easier and less stressful so that you can think of the task at hand and that is producing your music.
Music production can be costly anyway you slice it. Whether it be real expense or time you spend learning your craft.
Most music agencies understand this and will try and work with there artist. I just think that you should know that there are all types of people that makeup the music business and like any business there will be those who only focus on the bottom line. You should also keep your goals clear and do all the things to accomplish them in a manner that reflect you as an artist. The harder the journey the more we gain insight into what it is we are doing. This is a path that will lead to great rewards for you if you pace yourself and keep your sense of humor. Musician are some of the funniest people I have known and the ones that are great tend to have a sense of wit and humor about themselves.